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Wipers on '92 100 csq are sick

Strange phenomenon. Wipers typically only
work at high speed. No low, intermittent,
or mist (single pass), and no wiping when
washer pump is actuated...that's when it's

Sometimes if it's a sunny day and the
interior gets warm, all speeds work.

Fuse is ok, motor would seem to be
ok. This leaves the switch, I'd guess.

Any suggestions that'd maybe cost less
than, e.g., the Bosch rebuild for my '90
100 alternator (about $300 US m/l)?

Also, the driver's side channel of the
o.e. Bose, front only, is sleeping
indefinitely. I'd guess fatigue/flex
wire breakage most likely somewhere
near the hinge of the door. Any


Dave Fox

'90 100
'92 100 csq