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Play in differential ?

     I had posted a message some time ago regarding some kind of play or
     looseness in the manual tranny of my 1988 Audi 80.  Whenever I shift
     gears and release the clutch there is some play and then the tranny
     engages with a jerk and thunk.  Possible maladies suggested were:

     1.  Worn tranny bushing   (old one checked out as ok, replaced

     2.  Worn engine mounts (checked out ok, replaced anyway)

     3.  Worn bushings  (seem to look ok)

     Yesterday, I jacked up the car and with it in 1st gear, tried to
     rotate each wheel.  Both wheels rotate about 15 degrees and I can
     a springy noise.  They do not rotate at the inner or outer CV's
     but in the tranny - however I thought this was normal, not sure

     Ideas/suggestions ????

     Best Regards,