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Re: Crankshaft gear (nearly) falls off!!!

> What should I do?  Is there any compound I could use to shim the cutout 
>  (slot) in the crankshaft?  Can I rely on 300lbft to ensure gear 
>  doesn't move relative to crank any more?  I really don't want to put a 
>  new crankshaft into this engine (I am intimidated at the prospect of 
>  removing the engine, buying a crankshaft, replacing big end bearings 
>  etc) as it has only done 138,000 miles.

There are many good compounds that you mix together and then put on metal and
then have to machine back down. One used in utility industry is called Belzona
supermetall (part number 1111).  It can be very expensive because it is top of
the line stuff, but you might be able to get a sample from a local distributor
for free.

I do not know the exact configuration of the components, or what is worn, but
you will have to do some kind of hand grinding/machining. I don't know if you
can get away with just using a die grinder. This stuff is really tough when

There are also other materials out there, I would call an industrial
parts/repair place out of the yellow pages.


91 200 Q
87 5KSQ (sold, need to change timing belt and other belts for new owner)

Paul Waterloo                    TEL: (860) 267-7714
HydroAire Incorporated           FAX: (860) 267-7387
875 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT  06415          EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com