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RE: Acronyms/Smilies (was: 20 questions, 20 answers)

Works fine now. Oh, well. Nice page!

A couple of observations:
TANSTAAFL actually comes from Robert Heinlein, *WAY* before the 'net.

Just WTF is "NJTH"?

>From: 	Lee Levitt[SMTP:wheelman@shore.net]
>Sent: 	Friday, 19 July, 1996 10:43 AM
>To: 	Duff, Ian
>Cc: 	'quattro@coimbra.ans.net'
>Subject: 	RE: Acronyms/Smilies (was: 20 questions, 20 answers)
>Just checked it from my machine at work. Didn't have any problem
>to the page. Anyone else having problems?
>On Fri, 19 Jul 1996, Duff, Ian wrote:
>> Sounds good, but my Netscape is reporting a lack of DNS entry. Is this
>> server up? Is the URL quoted spelled right?
>> >Someone asked the meaning behind IMHO, YMMV, etc...
>> >
>> >I've put together a pretty comprehensive list of acronyms and their
>> >meanings, along with a fun list of smilies ;-)
>> >
>> >If you want to take a look, point your browser at:
>> >
>> >	http://www.magicpub.com/netprimer
>> >
>> >BTW, please let me know if you've got new ones to add to the list!
>> >