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Re: Crazy weather (even less Audi content)

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

I believe the dimples on golf balls reduce the tendency of air pressure to
build up on on side or the other due to spin.  This lessens to tendency to
hitting curve balls.  I read this in some science in sports book as a wee

I don't know if dimples in a Golf will stop it from spinning if you hit it
off center.

I usually hit them really square or miss them completely (would have saved
the Titanic....

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Date: Thursday, 25-Jul-96 06:34 PM

From: Andrew J. Speer          \ Internet:    (aspeer@mail.utexas.edu)
To:   q g                      \ Internet:    (quattro@coimbra.ans.net)

Subject: Re: Crazy weather (extr. low Audi content)

>>Well, you know they put dimples on golf balls to make them
>>go further and faster. Why wouldn't it work for cars, too?

I may be all wet, but I think the idea behind the dimples is that it helps
provide lift.  Lift and cars usually don't work well together (visions of a
chevy with a jato unit come to mind) unless you want lift of the inverse (i.
e. downward) variety.  Dunno if the dimples actually reduce drag.


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