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RE: Bad radio reception & some other questions

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

Could that squeal be your fluid pump belt?  still trying to get the pressure
up?  Like my alt belt when the high beams and stereo are fighting for
amperage on a wet night?  Give it a close listen if you can.
Just guessing...
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Date: Friday, 26-Jul-96 03:48 PM

From: Duff, Ian
My brakes don't squeal, just are ready for replacement/upgrade. On other
cars with similar symptoms, new brake pads fixed it. Squeal is induced by
low pad indicator (little piece of metal embedded in pad, designed to squeal
when pad gets worn down enough to expose it).


>2.  The brakes squeal like hell for the first couple of times I use
>    right after I start driving.  The squealing sound goes away once
>    brakes are warmed up.  Is this normal?  My previous car never did
>Takayuki Hayashi
>1990 Coupe Quattro 20v
>hayasht@ecf.toronto.edu & hayasht@vrg.toronto.edu 
>Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
>University of Toronto

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