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At 08:50 AM 7/31/96 EDT, you wrote:
>3. When I go to the NE Ferrari meet every year in Brookline Mass
> every damn Ferrari is sporting the orange and black FRAM.....
> including the California Spyder.
Not that I'm a big Fram supporter or anything, but back in my Ferrari-owning
days Frams were THE filter to use on the Ferrari's, preferred even over the
factory ones. Fram made very specific oil filters for Ferrari use, and
everyone used them. Ironically, their use of anti-drainback valves was one
of the big appeals, contrary to the crap they make for Audi......SLM
Steve Manning: stephenm@ix.netcom.com (Metro D.C. area, USA)
Mopar: '67 & '68 Plymouth Furys (big blocks)
'70 Barracuda convertible (small block)
'87 GLHS (tiny block)
Audi: Two '88 90Q's (built on the same day)
Misc: '73 Ford Country Squire wagon (daily driver!); other stuff...