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Re: Continuing Saga of TQc that won't start


Whoppee! Chazam! Ya! Harrah!

After nearly two years the ol '83 TQC finally fired up. It wasn't what 
any of us thought. Really quite simple. One of the connectors in the 
multi-pin to the brain box was jusrt bent enough not to make contact. It 
was the pin connector that sends signal to Ignition Controls Unit. 

I detected it after the fifth time through with the trouble shooting 
acccording to the manual. Everything was checking out ok. The final test 
is the ICU and you have to make a connection via 1.5 volt battery through 
the pin connector to get spark at the coil. Thats when I noticed a 
slightly different shadow on that particular pin. I bent it in a little 
and Chazzam!

Thank you to all who have been feeding me encouragement and information. 
You folks are great.

Now I'll button up the engine compartment, tidy up the interior and ship 
the ol bucket out to the paiont shop for a blast. The latest strings 
about MAACo was helpful. Does anyuone have any final words on MAACO. It 
was my impression that those who have used it are satisfied.


Paul A. Caouette
(curtesy of Honey's computer_)