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Back from Colorado, but AIRBAG questions...
Hi gang,
I just returned from Colorado tonight, and the S4 was great for the
trip. We put LOTS of miles on the S4 (it now has 61,200) and
wouldn't ya know it, we didn't QUITE make it back here to Iowa
quirk free. ;) About 60 miles south of "River City" (home) the
AIRBAG light comes on! Actually it did it once while in Colorado
but I figured it was a warning as to what I'd be experiencing if I
didn't slow down while navigating the twisties coming into Vail on
I70. ;) hehehe But seriously, it came on a went of while in
CO, and when it came on today it flashed once (maybe twice) and
then stayed on until I turned the car off. After I restart the
car, the light comes on upon startup, but then goes out. The
owner's manual is vague... it just says something like "if the
light is on, you're screwed.. hehe Just kidding... it says it "may
require inspection or servicing" -something along those lines
SO, has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas what might have
caused it? (Did those nasty CO roads knock a connection out of
whack somewhere?)
BTW, for those of you in Colorado, I feel sorry for you... you have
some REALLY nasty roads out there! AYE CARAMBA! ;) Also, I had
a few names to look up if I was in Ft. Collins, but we didn't make
it that far North. We were in Estes Park (warning: tourists up the
yin yang) and in Vail which was thankfully not as crowded and
had LOTS more Audi's in the area). BTW, the S4 did feel kinda
'sleepy' at the high altitudes... lots more horses on tap now that
it is back in the 'lowlands'.
Oh yeah... anyone in the Denver area driving along 1-70 in a met.
red V8Q breeze by a pearl S4 Saturday morning around 11 am? ;)
Anyway, CO is a nice place... gonna have to go
back again sometime. Thanks for any input on the airbag situation.
"Right here in River City"
** Darin Nederhoff email: savidesn@audvid.win.net **
** "Audi Quattro Enthusiast" **
** Teflon makes things slick, Quattro makes 'em STICK! ;) **
** '93 S4 (pearl / Ecru) -in the family **
** '87 4kCSQ (sapphire blue / gray)-my daily driver **
** '86 XR4ti (white / gray) -my summer cruiser ;) **
** AUTOBAHNIA USA Homepage... http://www.win.net/~audvid **
** A site for Audi Quattro and Merkur XR4ti enthusiasts! **