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RE: Help: Coupe GT leaves me stranded fo


>Does anyone have an idea on what the problem could be?  After running for 
>seconds it stalled.  Thenk, it wouldn't start again.  The started motor
>cranked but it wouldn't turn over.  I waited 10 minutes.  It started and I
>drove a half a mile and then it stalled again.  It turned over then but
>stalled right away and that was it.  I tried several more times and either
>it would crank and stall right away or it just cranked.  Help!!  Thanks. 

Go check the coil wire. Mine did this about 4 years ago, except it never
started again. Upon inspection I found the coil wire completely burned
up at the coil connection. Up in the rubber boot the ceramic tip was gone.
New coil and set of plug wires did the trick.

Also check the big rubber boot on the air meter, if this guy is split, you
have a large air leak of unmetered air and the air/fuel ratio would be hosed
(pun intended).Check the crankcase vent lines too which meet up at the valve
cover and then go to the air plumbing.

For the fuel pump, have a friend turn on the ign key and feel the pump
to see if it is vibrating.

Good luck.
Dave Lawson  dlawson@ball.com