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RE: Car Aerodynamics

I think there is a misunderstanding here if I remember way back to my dynamics 
courses.  The Cd is measured in force/area.  It is not the drag, but the drag 
coefficient.  To do a true comparison between vehicles you'd have to multiply 
the Cd x the frontal area which is where the Q is lower since it has a smaller 
frontal area than the 5K.  
5KTQ former
5K former

On Thu, 08 Aug 1996, Glen Powell <gpowell@acacianet.com> wrote:
>> Audi 5KCSTQ .30cd
>> Audi 5K         .29cd
>> Taurus          .32cd
>> Volvo            .34cd
>Why does the 5K have a lower drag than the 5KSTQ? The only real difference I
>know of is the grill/headlight  height, the 5K is taller.
>Tire/wheel width?
   | Roland Broberg, PE                  |  e/mail:  broberg@cpg.mcw.edu    |
   | Medical College of Wisconsin        |  fax:     414-257-6103           |
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