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Re: Power Steering Pump Wooows
There's a lot in the archives on this, recently. Answer is yes with the
rebuilding yourself. Comments vary on source of seals, Audi vs Ace hardware.
I've done both. Had best success with Ace at lots less $. But you may not
have such an Ace in your area. Should replace all seals not just the port
seals as the source of the oil is frequently not obvious. Pump removal is
fairly simple and there are few dangers in the process. I'd give it 1.5
knuckles rating.
On Thu, 08 Aug 1996, "Paul C. Waterloo" <74543.407@CompuServe.COM> wrote:
>So I see foriegn material under my car tonight, after I completely detailed
>Nop, it is that lovely hydraulic oil leaking from the power steering pump.
>It's not coming from the three hoses connected to the unit, it's dripping
>somewhere underneath. With the car running, there's about 2 drips per second
>coming from under the pump. Can't see it though.
>Looking at the manual, it sure seems like it is one of those caps leaking,
>the o-ring has gone on one of them.
>Question: Do people have sucsess taking the pump out with conditions like
>undoing those caps, replacing the seals (o-rings, the book says are sold
>seperately), putting it back together, and having long-term sucsess? Or
>you recommend a new or rebuilt pump?
>Paul Waterloo TEL: (860) 267-7714
>HydroAire Incorporated FAX: (860) 267-7387
>875 Old Hartford Rd
>Colchester, CT 06415 EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com
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