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Re: Safety smafety

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

Other People Said Strange Things Like...

>Drop all the nerdy stuff and "...put as much metal as you can between you 
and the other guy...."  

so drive a Sherman tank??

>Thought that was pretty cool, and, pretty telling  [caddy v. civic--where
do you want to be?].

I don't want to drive a land yacht, I don't want to be drive the civic.  How
about being in an Audi, avoiding the collision and getting an adrenaline
rush for your trouble?

>Hey, there're two kinds of safety philosophies:
>1. It's safer to go through an object than to avoid it. 
>2. It's safer to avoid an object than go through it.

I never realised #1 could be considered a philosophy...

I remember the old ads that said "we prefer to miss the wall"...

My first Audi test drive in 1985 was a 1980 5000.  Going home in my bosses
old car in a New England slushfest I locked up the wheels on a back road at
30 mph (for fun).  It stopped cleanly in a straight line.  I was sold.
I went off the road going 80 or so in my 5kt.  Fun?  Sore thumbs and
My seats and steering wheel came out of a 4kq that looked like it slid 50
feet on its roof.  The doors still worked, there was no blood in the vehicle
.  Big Fun.>>

extraneous comments added by Huw