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RE: Crash Test Dummy

Glen, I sent a reply to another reader about that........ask anyone about 
that stretch of Rt. 89 in Enfield NH.....known as HYPNOSIS HWY......the 
police are lobbying to get rumble strips in its so bad......you as least 
were not as harsh in your statements......BTW, the fantastic driving was 
asfter he awas off road......if you had seen the area.......had he not 
driven it well, he, they would both be dead........he kept it off the 
cliff and off all the signs......THAT's where the good driving came 
in.....not the falling asleep....BTW.....we all have trouble staying 
awake on that stretch of road......


Is that stretch of 89 North or South of where one would get off if heading North from Rte 93 to like Sugarbush or Mad River Glen ski areas? I'm wondering if I have ever driven it myself..... We all have had trouble staying awake while driving at one time or another, but actually falling asleep behind the wheel is something else again.....failing to recognise this and stopping/resting/switching drivers is IMFO poor judgement. Fighting sleep sux!

