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Re: Zymol

On Aug 17,  8:41pm, Edward T Spire wrote:

> >> >Did you get the HD Cleanse with it?  You *usually* use the HD
> >> >Cleanse prior to the actually waxing process.

Doesn't Zymol say that the drill is to use HD cleanse prior to
the *first* time you use Zymol wax, then maybe twice a year after?
I can't imagine anyone who would do this prior to *every* waxing
(unless they wax once or twice a year at most).

> OK, OK.  I'll get some HDC.
> It sounds like a lot of work.

It is, mostly because the stuff gets sort of tacky once you
rub it on.  Paul mentioned that it takes about 2 hours tops
to do both cleanse and wax... I agree, if you're amibitious.
Just did my A4.  Took 2 hours.  1.5 to do the cleanse, and
0.5 for the wax.

>  "Work ZYMOL-HD-CLEANSE into the finish with a medium to
> heavy pressure until the surface becomes tacky."
> Should I consider using a buffer?

Neither do I, but I vowed that I'd buy a good, random-orbital
buffer prior to my next Cleanse.  If you use one, let us
know how it works!  I'd suggest calling Zymol themselves
and asking them about it.  There's a number in the literature,
and the number I have handy is 1-800-999-5563.

Even though there's effort involved with the HDC, it's still
pretty pleasant to work with... the smell is fine, and it's
not real chemically.  The wax is an absolute *dream* to work
with; glides on easily, doesn't leave whitish residue on your
trim pieces, smells great, etc.  Don't let it dry, it works
much better if you do small sections and buff immediately.