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RE: Euro focusing Light switch?

Judging from what I see every day (night/murky day) around here, the
problem is not aiming too low, but blindingly high misaimed lights.
- peter

>Original Message-----
From:        	ScharfR@aol.com [SMTP:ScharfR@aol.com]
Sent:         	Monday, August 19, 1996 7:32 PM
To:            	RELAYER@aol.com; QUATTRO@coimbra.ans.net
Subject:   	Re: Euro focusing Light switch?

In a message dated 96-08-16 07:26:14 EDT, RELAYER@aol.com writes:

<< i noticed a swich similar to a seat
 heater, BUT it has a head light symbol on it with arrows pointing up
 as if the light can be focused or aimed from inside the car >>

This is the headlight aiming control. It allows you to re-aim the
if you are towing a trailer with a lot of tongue weight or have a hevy
in the trunk.  The control is mandatory on cars in Germany and some
European countries, but it is not allowed in the U.S. because it runs
of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) for headlight aiming.

A couple of years ago Jaguar tried to get it approved by exception and
shot down.  The grounds had to do with the likelihood of improper use,
would lead to headlights aimed too low in a lightly loaded car.