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Re: Battery for Key chain?


           That's not entirely true.  If it is a mercury battery, I may be able
 to help.  I used to work at a watch shop, and some rare and older watches some
times took mercury batteries.  There are ways of getting them.  Plus, we recyle
d all the old batteries we took out.

            Anyways, if you could take out the battery, describe it's general s
hape and size, and give the number that's on it.  For expample:  CR 2020...that
's a lithium battery.  Or, 395, or 1116SW.  Those are what the numbers should l
ook like.  If it is long....it may have a number type...like a "N" cell battery
.  Let me know what it is, and I can tell you where to get it, or, if it is a r
eal rare type, I may be able to get one for you.  Let me know how I can help.
Most likely it is the same type of battery that goes into a watch or camera.
