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Re: Radio Code and Overheating Problems
I am presently experiencing an intermittent problem with the radiator
cooling fan on my Coupe; the wire harness connector is cooked where
it connects to the motor, and is making bad contact. Wiggling the
connector will restart the motor until the next time it breaks contact
(anywhere from an hour to a week). I have another connector on order
to fix this.
You might have to wait until the overheating condition starts, but one idea
is to see if you're getting power to the fan. Mine has 3 wires going to it;
brown is ground while the other two are power for the high speed (A/C and
overheating) and low speed (engine shutoff cooling). Disconnect
the harness from the motor, and turn on the ignition and the A/C. Using a
VOM, check the wires. The brown should be a dead short to ground, while
connecting a voltmeter from the brown to one of the other wires should show
voltage (prob. close to battery voltage, since it is the high-speed circuit).
you have power and the connector is good, the motor is probably shot. You
can probably connect 12V to the motor ground terminal and one of the other
terminals to make sure that it is a motor problem. If you have no power,
it is a matter of checking the relays, switches, and wiring. If it is a
relay, I
would suspect you would get partial fan operation under one of the above
conditions; if it is totally dead, I would suspect the motor or connector.
As far as the radio, suggestion might be go to a local dealer and ask them
for the proper procedure. So long as they don't have to put their grubby
on the beast, they (hopefully) shouldn't charge you. Also, a call or letter
Audi of America should get results;l I have found them to be exceptionally
cooperative in providing assistance.
By the way, it might help if you mentioned year & model!
Ray Calvo (porsray@aol.com)
1990 Coupe Quattro
In a message dated 96-08-27 11:15:17 EDT, you write:
Here we are a week later and my car is overheating. The radiator cooling
fan is not coming on. The turbo cooling fan comes on. I will check the
thermo-switch tonight. If it is not the thermo-switch, what are my next
options. I notice that there are 3 coolant radiotor fan relays in the
wiring diagrams. Are these susceptible to failure? Anyone have any
And finally, when the alternator was replaced, my bose radio temporarily
lost power and now is in the 'SAFE' mode. My owner's manual says to depress
the AM and the ARI-Z buttons, however, this is a factory replacement radio
and doesn't have an ARI-Z button. I pressed the AM and the FM1 buttons
simultaneously and the display then read 1000. I used the four station
select keys to correctly key in the correct code. I depressed the AM and
FM1 switches again and the radio said 'SAFE' again. What am I doing wrong?
After entering in the correct code, what buttons should I press?
Thanks in advance,
Ken Gorman