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RE: 5kCSTQ boost Q
> What are people's thoughts on totally disconnecting all the CPU crap =
> from the WG and controlling the boost the good-ol way - simple spring =
> pressure ala the ur-q?
IMO the big plusses for the ECU controlled spring are:
1) ECU can shut the boost down as well as adjust timing when knock is
2) Given that you have reverse engineered the code you can set up a
map that corresponds to your needs for boost vs. RPM & other inputs,
kinda like having an automatically adjustable spring.
Since the port on top of the WG is available on all models, my thinking
is that even a Schrapnel Knobben (R) technique is preferrable to a stiffer
spring. That technique allows cockpit adjustable max boost.
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)