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Re: identify vs. stealth

   > Why not a clear sticker with the four rings in silver, except the last  one

   I made the prototype of the sticker in PC Paintbrush for Windows in 
   about an hour, and sent it to Lee, who mailed me back with some helpful 
   hints.  I'm working on an improvement of it now, with the Audi rings 
   rendered better in reflective silver, the fonts cleaned up and 
   sized/placed properly, and the whole sticker made with wider brush 
   strokes than my original for better visibility.  I might produce a 
   couple of versions of it for evaluation.  It's amazing how much the font 
   affects the tone of the sticker, so I'm trying to find a good font. 

As an [hopefully interesting] aside, there are people who spend their
entire lives just designing fonts. It's an incredible art form that, like,
say, gymnastics, or quattros [there, Audi content], when properly executed
just looks so obviously right and simple, but is in fact incredibly hard
to actually do...

   It's also hard to make an Audi ring into a good-looking "Q" that doesn't 
   disrupt the balance of the thing.  It might take me a couple of days more 
   though, because I'm moving right now (aargh!, Hell!) and I can't devote 
   as much time to it as I would wish.  Hopefully by Saturday, or the latest 
   Sunday, I'll have it worked out in good form.  The final version will be 
   tasteful, distinctive, easily identifiable if you know what you're 
   looking for, and I hope visually appealing as well.  If the List likes 
   it, terrific!  If so, we have to think about whether Audi will let us 
   make it. 

I glanced at the "Decal 2" (http://magicpub.com/quattro/decal-two.html)
and think it's got a lot of potential. I think the "Q" is overbearing
(thin that sucker down). I'd like to see the inet addr moved to the bottom
to see how that works out (the bottom of the oval is "empty" and that
unbalances the image; maybe put the URL on the bottom to balance the
inet addr on the top? something to experiment with). I'd also like to
see the image with four interlocked "Q"s rather than just the last ring
being a "Q".

Just while composing this mail, I've changed my mind 13 times on the
size issue (3x5 -- too big. NO, too small, no, OK, no, too small...),

Good job! (I actually wasn't all that interested 'till now...)
