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Small World
In message <027073225E0CAADB*/c=US/admd=MCI/prmd=Honeywell/o=AZ-MTA/ou=MSMail/ou=IAC/s=Gorman/g=Ken/@MHS> "Gorman, Ken (PA62)" writes:
> "We only have two A4 Quattro's left and they've been sellling like
> hotcakes. We'll only discount them $500 off of sticker price.
> "We have about a half dozen A6 Quattro's left and we'll take $3000 off
> the sticker price.
> "We have about a dozen A6 FWD left and we'll take $5000 off the sticker
> price on any of them.
> "We have a couple demo cars and we'll take an additional .15 per mile
> for any mileage in addition to the previous discounts. "
> So there it is. I can't imagine I can do much better than that. I'm
> leaning towards an A6 FWD.
IMVHO - you're crazy. Take the A4Q (like everyone else has been doing - why
do you think they're only offering $500) and spend the A6 -> A4Q delta on
performance mods.
You'll never regret it. Never.
The $5000 off the A6 FWD price is not enough.
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club