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Re: ur-q fiche
>You mention a ur-q fiche? Is this parts or service or what? would it
>apply to my '85 ur-q? Where can I get it (or them) ? How much?
Hi George
It is the Parts fiche for the complete ur q run ('80-'91), I ordered it
from the parts dept of my local dealer for £2. He is not supposed to do
it, but he takes pity on me since I am in there so much (I even get a cup
of coffee nowadays!). I already have the Fiches for the 80/90Q '87-'92 and
CQ '89-'95. I am trying to get them scanned into a computer file legibly
so as to break them down into a database of images. If I manage to do it,
I will be asking others to lend me their Fiches in order to build up a
parts database for Qs (fingers still very crossed to be able to do it). I
have already failed once trying to scan them at 3,000 dpi, I am waiting for
a friend who has access to an 11,000 dpi scanner to have time to have a go.
If I can get it sorted then I will make it available to any list member who
wants it, and also to the UK Owners Club.
I keep hearing about service Fiches, but my Dealer doesn't know what they
are (or won't admit it). These could be done in the same way I suppose.
Ian Gregory MicroStar Communications Ltd
Technical Director P.O.Box 233
'88 90q England
'84 Urq NG8 6HD
Tel : (115) 913 5130 - Fax : (115) 913 5129 - Email : gregory@innotts.co.uk
a quattro is for Life, not just for Christmas!