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'Lektriwockle Comment
Mr. Robert Houik said:
[re: the Patriot}
> It is a massive "spark" discharge that fries the car's electronics as you
> "short it out" driving over it (the film I saw shows a pretty good arc from
> the gizmo on the road to the car chassis). It's phrased as "disables the
> ignition", but I suspect it also takes out the ECU, A/C flap control elec-
> tronics, stereo, driver's pacemaker, and any other solid-state electronics
> in the vicinity of the car (OK, probably only anything connected to the
> car's electrical system, which probably means the driver's pacemaker will
> survive the experience...).
HAH! bet they'd get a real surprise if they tried to stop a '57
Chevy or similar car which barely has electronics, and no solid-state
stuff at all!
Maybe Dillinger was right to use Ford flathead V-8's!
Al Powell Voice: 409/845-2807
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"Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical"...
...Yogi Berra.