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Re: digest

Trisha, You must treat the list like a 5 credit college course!  YOu know,
that 2 hours study time for evey credit or hour class or something, I
never did do well studying all the time, come to think of it I still
don't.  Point being, you should check your Email a minimum of 3 times per
day, especially if your a student.  When your not at class you should
always be logged on monitering activity.  Weekends do not apply, they are
to slow.  If all this fails talk to the dean of the school and
figure out some way to get credit for doing this!  AH HA, what a brilliant
idea!  Dan H.  have you tried this yet?  If that fails let me teach you
how it works, I have class from 10am to 5pm tomorrow, no breaks.  I have
lab write ups to do and reading to finish but hey, me and my cup-o-java
are reading the mail at 11pm instead.  Sorry 'bout the long post everyone,
guess I'm procrastinating a bit.  Good night!  Still need to go over the
ol' Q for Waterford this weekend too, rats, no time for school!

Brendan Rudack			rudack@ucsub.Colorado.EDU
"living life as a college student to its fullest!"
'88 90Q
Fenton, MI USA
On Thu, 5 Sep 1996, Trisha Bethen wrote:

> How do I get the digest?  How do I read the one's I want to read?  I'm 
> back to school and I think I may need to shorten this up a bit......what 
> do you suggest? 
> I love the list....just don't know what to do?