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At the Waterford Hills driver meeting this evening I saw my first 4000Q
with a transplanted 5000tq engine! It also had a custom made front end
that looks amazingly like the Sport Q. This was done so the intercooler
could be mounted in front of the engine. The fenders were add on pieces
he claimed to have gotten from TAP and made the car look like a TQC. I
can't wait to see it run this weekend!
At the meeting was a few people from TAP(just watching or
something?!) one of which was Ivan. I would like to see what their up
to! Maybe they will try to sell me a "chip upgrade"! Anyway, thought I
would report the sighting. BTW, what should I expect from the R1's in the
Brendan Rudack rudack@ucsub.Colorado.EDU
'88 90Q
Fenton, Michigan USA