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Re: quattro-digest V3 #1010

Hi All!
   Have you ever had an audi that was running fine and thenover a period 
of just a few days all of your ummph is gone from the acceleration?  I 
do.  The car runs well, idles well, and once you get it over 45 mph it 
accelerates well.    Here is what I found to be the problem.

Too much high speed driving .....hah hah.....has made little pieces out 
of the innards of my Catalytic converter.  These little pieces then found 
there way back into the primary muffler were they decided to take up 
residence and partially plug the exhaust system.  

   Unfortunatly, I was unable to clear the debris from the primary 
muffler, and had to replace it.  I should replace the Cat too, but for 
now that is out of the budget.  I just had to make sure that there wasn't 
any more honeycomb pieces to foul up the new exhaust. ;)
Maybe I can find a good used Cat in a bone yard later.

Just thought I would pass this info on before some poor soul started 
replacing every sensor on the engine to no avail.  BTW> This was the 
original CAT with 156,000 miles on it.