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RE: quattro-digest V3 #1010

I gotta agree with our esteemed Bob. Crap & Drivel (tm) periodically
does tests of nefarious devices, including a recent test of jammers.
Their position on laser takes two parts: 1) the lasers Officer Bob Speed
of the Strate Poopers use have intentional diffusion built in, to the
effect that the beam diameter is about 4 feet (if I remember correctly,
you don't think Officer Speed could accurately point a 2 or 3mm coherent
beam, now do you?) at 1000 foot range, and b) the wavelength they
operate on is near enough to headlights that they are not effective when
lights are on. The strength of the light necessary to confuse them
exceeds most headlights (except Phil Payne's), so they recommend getting
a single bright fog or driving light on the front of your car and
leaving it on during the day. They also recommend againg anything
reflective on the front of the car, like (extinguished) lights, license
plate, chrome, etc. YMMV.


Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe quattro 20v, Red/Black

Home: New Bedford, MA, USA
Work: Charter Systems, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA

>From: 	Bob D'Amato[SMTP:mx@snet.com]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, 10 September, 1996 09:22 PM
>To: 	Igor Kessel
>Cc: 	ets@wrkgrp.com; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	Re: quattro-digest V3 #1010
>On Tue, 10 Sep 1996, Igor Kessel wrote:
>> (aka "lasers") speaking. The laser beam is highly focused and
>>coherent, which 
>> means it does not scatter. At a distance of 1 km it may very well
>>yield a spot 
>> of a few cm in dia. So, virtually no chance of getting a stray signal
>> off some letargic Roadmaster fearlessly doing 67 in a 65 mile zone in
>>the fast 
>> lane in front of you.
>Donning Nomex here, but Helmet is only Snell85
>I have to disagree with a lot of this Igor...I studied lasers a lot as 
>well as working at Litton Laser w/ laser radar (military side).  They 
>dont use high quality YAG's on these things, but the diffusion rate is 
>high, a lot of speckle. Laser detectors dont require a direct hit to be
>> Also the light travels at 300000km/sec. What is your best reaction time?
>About the same as radar...whats the difference?
>> your car is black,
>> your headlights are completely taped black,
>> your windshield is completely taped black and 
>> you don't have a front plate 
>Thats like saying you can avoid radar if you rid your car of all metal,
>everything radar reflective, and use anti radar paint.
>bob.damato@snet.com (Temporarily
>	              http://home.earthlink.net/~willyt/deltat.html	
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