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Modified 5Ktq from Treser Audi

In message <Pine.SUN.3.95.960910143639.19356D-100000@eskimo.com> Nathan Belo writes:

> European Car did a couple articles on Audi's with Treser kits back in the
> early 80's.  Treser helped create the Quattro system.

urqs are now turning up on the UK market with knowledge of the fitted Treser 
mods lost.  One UK club member bought a 1982 urq and brought it along to a 
meeting - it turned out to have a Treser stage 2 kit professionally fitted.

We had the Treser drophead urq on the club stand at Coys.  Ugly thing - looks 
like a pickup. 

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club