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Wheel Bearing replacement

I just ordered a front wheel bearing from BLAUFergnugen for $55 ($75 at 
PAP/Carlson for the kit). Jim just sells the bearing.  He always 
resuses the clips unless there is rust.  My independent shop says that 
wheel bearings come in a kit with the bearing and clips. Shop says IF 
they need to use new clips its going to be a day or so getting just the 
clips from their supplier since the dealer and most places sell the 
kits.  I am a one car family and can't afford to have the car at the 
shop overnight.

Since my car has no rust, and according to Jim, only a bad mechanic 
would ruin the existing clips, do I have anything to worry about by 
going with just the wheel bearing and saving the money?


89 200tqw