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Re: A4 "Better" than an M3 for 6K?

At 11:54 PM 09/16/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Hey there,
>  As you listers know, I have been fiddling with my A4 quite a bit.  Is it
>better than the M3??  In the handling department I would have to say that is
>is getting fairly close.  This is based on a relatively short drive of the

            <snip... lots of goodies that cost big $$$!!!>

>     With the addition of  Right now i am in the process of trying to save
some money
>and seeing what else comes to market for the A4.  I probably won't add
>anything to the car until next summer. 

Sounds like a good idea. My wallet hurts just reading this!! Sounds like you
made some great improvements, and a lot of us are prolly a bit jealous....
keep us updated. I guess there is hope for aftermarket tuning here in the
ol' USA!!

I just hope you have a good alarm system, coupled with a Club-like device, a
pit-bull in the front seat, and a electrical force-field for any
undesirables that come within 3-feet of it!! Seriously, though, you may want
to talk to your insurance company about documenting these mods. If it were
to get into someone else's hands without your permission, they may only give
you blue-book value, and therefore, you're out $5k!! Just a thought.

How about somehow posting a picture on the 'net? Would love to see it....

>   All of this said, I would take the A4 hands down over the M3.    The A4 is
>still a relatively rare car in my neck of the woods (Santa Cruz, CA). 

Ditto... no arguments there.

>      My car turns heads, all day, everyday.

I can believe it!!

Good luck.


                             Jim Griffin
                        Maryland, USA
"Perception is often stronger than reality!"
                               '92 100S