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RE: Question re: Radio security codes
You can find the items in cheapy automotive stores, like VIP, Pep Boys etc.
Typically advertised as... radio memory savers....
On Tue, 17 Sep 1996, "Duff, Ian" <iduff@charter.com> wrote:
>My Bentley shows a VAG or Snap-On (prolly worth $122.50) tool to
>maintain radio codes that consists of a cigarette lighter plug like any
>that you would power a 12v accessory with attached to a 9v battery (the
>one with snaps on the end). Seems if you run 9v into the cigarette
>lighter rather than pulling 12v from it, the radio doesn't get
>lobotomized. Not sure of polarity, picture in Bentley doesn't show.
>You can get your radio de-coded at the, gulp, dealer.
>Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe quattro 20v, Red/Black
>Home: New Bedford, MA, USA
>Work: Charter Systems, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA
>>From: Jeff Loh[SMTP:jeff.loh@fluordaniel.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, 17 September, 1996 01:38 PM
>>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>>Subject: Question re: Radio security codes
>> If anyone has ever worked on VW/Audi stereos with the factory
>> coded security system, they'd know my predicament.
>> I bought my 80Q used from a dealer, but none of the papers that
>> came with the car had the code, can I successfully reprogram the
>> radio or does it mean a trip to the dealer?
>> I want to know because I plan to disconnect the battery and do
>> some simple maintenance work on the car, but don't want to screw
>> up the radio in the process.
>> I suppose the last resort would be to grovel and pay them to do
>> 5 minute job.
>> /J
>> 80Q in need of a battery cleaning.
-Stott Hare '84 4Ksq (black, and waiting for turbo...)
Biddeford, Maine