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RE: Help w/ querying the list archives
Here is a hint (BTW, this will be fixed in Internet Explorer 4 :-),
instead of trying to view the large textfiles with a browser (which
sucks at it), right click on the article, and choose "Save Target As" to
download a copy of the text file to you machine. Then view the article
with, say, WordPad which can search the text for what you want.
>From: Mark Hilbush[SMTP:73441.73@CompuServe.COM]
>Sent: Friday, September 20, 1996 7:21 AM
>To: 'Quattro List'; 'Eric Fletcher'
>Subject: RE: Help w/ querying the list archives
>INTERNET:STEADIRIC@aol.com wrote:
>> >2. It's very painful to browse through the archives, even with a T1
>> >connection
>> >to the net. The files, such as quattro.9609, are really big and take way
>> >long
>> >to load into MS Internet Explorer (no, the T1 is not dedicated just to
>> >Plus MS IE often (well, always) chokes when I try to do a Find on the
>> >Argg.
>> Your first poblem is that your using MS Explorer.......
>> Later!
>> Eric Fletcher
>> St. Louis, MO
>> STEADIRIC@aol.com
>OK, Eric. At least we agree that Explorer is a piece of cr*p. I was about
>try Netscape to see if it is any better and now I can't even connect to
>Mark Hilbush
>Baltimore, MD