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Re: 540i v M3 v A4Q

You should welcome the introduction of the 4 door M3 into the lineup next 
year then, Bruce.

On Fri, 20 Sep 1996, Mann Law wrote:

> 	I have driven the 540i [auto] and found it to be a very nice, 
> very expensive, big car.  6 speed will help, but I can't imagine there is 
> a chance that you can get it loaded for A4Q price + 10k.  
> 	My real complaint with the M3 is this:  (1) it is a BMW, with all 
> that brings to the party; (2) if you have any adult friends to put in the 
> back, they won't like it for long.  IMHO, the M3 is a very good car--but 
> I can't handle any more 2 door cars.  
> 	Your question really compares some apples to oranges.  Having 
> driven them all, I just don't see any of them being in the same 
> class--especially on price.  BTW, look at insurance costs on M3 v. A4Q.
> 	Bruce

Jeremy R. King  Clemson University, S Carolina, USA
///////////     '86 VW Quantum GL5     \\\\\\\\\\\\
 Rear Dynomax Glasspak, Hollow cat, Drilled Airbox
   Boge / KYB struts, Round 100W Driving Lights
\\\\\\\\\\\  Still Slower'n Christmas  ////////////