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On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, todd candey wrote:
> Bob D'Amato wrote:
> Nascar drivers have one heckuva strategy.....
> Left, then straight, then left, then straight, then left, then.....
> Don't those guys ever get dizzy?????????
> --
Ill tell ya, a short time ago I was watching ESPN2 and they had a bunch
of clips of the upcoming races that afternoon, and they were showing a
bunch of incar cameras, they showed F1 cam, fast-slow-left-right etc,
then indy, same thing... then f3000 ditto, then an in car cam for nascar,
it showed this guy with his hands at 2:00 and 12:00, always turning left.
I almost fell off my chair laughing so hard!!! BIG DEAL! Good thing it
wasnt a helmet cam, it would have showed, Road-steering
wheel-road-steering wheel, as he kept dozing off!
I have a T shirt that has all the F1 tracks and races on a map on the
back of the shirt, I often thought of making a NASCAR one that just had a
bunch of ovals on the back!! :)
Bob (nascar hater)
Interview with winning NASCAR driver @ end of race:
"I wanna thank God, and my wife/sister betty..my motor was running real
good, and my Pennzoil,Champion,Tide,Nestle,Amoco,Hertz, Fram,....
woolworth,hooters car ran strong.."
bob.damato@snet.com (Temporarily Down!!!)
Drive Safe, Drive Fast, Drive a Quattro