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banshee squealing on 89 200

In message <96Sep25.122759mdt.14981@ebm_dns.echobay.com> WLAMB@denver.echobay.com writes:

>      My '89 200 has taken to big time squealing upon startup and first
>      couple of minutes.  I have checked all the belt tensions
>      and they seem reasonable.  The noise sounds like the air
>      conditioner compressor.  However, I can not toggle it off
>      always by turning off the climate control.  It happens
>      on turns too sometimes or from startup at a stoplight.

Get it squealing.  Pull the oil dipstick.  If the squeal ceases or changes 
significantly - it's the rear crankshaft oil seal.  Sounds _just_ like a pulley 
or belt.  Isn't.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club