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Quattro, ur-quattro and TQC?

In message <v01540b00ae6f1328a248@[]> quattro@innotts.co.uk (Ian Gregory) writes:

> There is a thread in progress at the moment.  The gist is:
> There are essentially 3 different Coupé Quattros
> 1.      Quattro Coupé Turbo (Flared Arches)
> 2.      Quattro Coupé Turbo (Non-Flared Arches)
> 3.      Quattro Coupé (Non-Turbo, Non-Flared Arches)
> No 1 is normally the one in mind when the designation ur quattro is used.
> I havn't met no 2, but Phil Payne has.  I maintain that no 3 is quite
> common in the UK, but Phil Payne disagrees.

No I don't.  Sorry if I gave you that impression.  Most carry a simple "GT"
flash - some have "rallyeinjection" or some such thing.  But they're fairly

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club