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(Fwd) Re: NASCAR @ LRP

>----- Forwarded message (Trisha Bethen <trishab@mv.mv.com>) -----< 
Do you know what I wish?  I wish that someone would figure out that I've 
unsubscribed to this mess and only send me the digest so I don't have to 
read this crap as I painfully delete it. 
  Not being one that is usually able to substantively add to Unka Barts
wisdom in such matters, I accede to his points as far as he goes. (tail
feathers cooling)  I humbly suggest that when you trade your power painter
for a more appropriate fine line brush, you also take a page from Dilberts
book and acquire an appreciation for reply to list command vs the reply to
sender command so we don't all find our selves in your "painful", drivel
perusing situation! 