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AUDI buyers- Unite for Power?!?!


By now, I have bored you with my postings about buying a new car- but this
one might be interesting...

My parent's lease on their pearl white 100 is out, and my sister's red 4000
(1986) is due for an upgrade.  It is her first car, and has ridiculously low
miles, as does the 100.  Anyway- I have also been thinkig about getting the
Porsche Boxter and selling my Coupe Q (1990 pearl.  If this happens, the Audi
would not go for sale until late december, since the Porsches come rolling in
around January...)

SO- Is there anyone else on the list, preferably in California, that is going
to buy a car in the next month or two?  Figuring that some lucky dealer can
do a 4 car deal, it might be worth while to go in as a group.  My parents
want an S6 and my sister will probably end up with the A4 1.8T (if she
doesn't take my car.  She likes the coupe's shape- who can blame her...)

Any dialogue would be interesting.


Saam Gabbay
1990 Coupe Quattro