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RE: Coupe quattro with turbo?

Hello again Phil

You say:
>There _are_ a very, very few Coupe' quattros with turbos. 

Doesn't that make them Quattros (with capital Q)?  Surely the factory 
 turbo is more indicative of the car's status than the (cosmetic) 
 flares.  Are there other fundamental differences which prevent these 
 cars being real Quattros.


Nope. Real Quattros (Tm) with a capital Q, (ur-q, or QTC, or TQC) have the low & wide body with flared fenders, AWD and intercooled turbo. Otherwise it is not an original Quattro with capital Q. Check out the latest VW/Audi car magazine for some excellent details and photos on this.....including Coupe' quattos, a quattro variant of the Coupe' GT and the Coupe' quattro turbo, another variant of the Coupe' GT with quattro driveline and a turbo, neither of these are The Quattro (ur-q, QTC, TQC).
