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Re: 5000s - new owner/subscriber

    Welcome to the list!!! I'm not a knowledgeable person on Audis at all..so I
hope I don't tell you stuff you already know... 

the 5000/5000 turbo became the 100/200 in 88 or 89. 

>From what I can tell, the cars are very similar and most pre-91 audis had the
inline-5 (like yours). So, when you see references to 100/200s, they will
often apply to your car. I believe the 4000s (80/90s) and the URqs all used
inline five's too. In other words, I believe you have found the right list.
I can't imagine a list being more entertaining and educating as this one has
been. Watch out though, the mail gets VERY heavy. You'll often side tracks to
all sorts of topics (like NASCAR.. sheesh!), but that's what makes it
interesting. Oh, and hey.. if nobody responds to your posts.. don't feel let
down or isolated.. it's the nature of the list. I seldom read all the e-mails
that I get.. just pick and choose by subject line.  
This list has saved me probably at least $1500 in the
past six months. Enabled me to do what I thought were complex repairs, and
helped me understand my crazy car. So.. good luck. 

I think that the List will prove to be very helpful even if your isn't Quattro.
So.. stay tuned, and welcome. 

                               -Osman Parvez
                                89 200q
                                Siena College
                                Albany NY

p.s. I don't think you'll find anybody who'll sell you a single strut. Besides,
you'll end up with rather quirky handling. It's okay to replace them in pairs,
two fronts... then two backs later, or vice versa.. but I don't think that a
single strut replacement is wise. That of course, is just by two cents.  :)