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RE: Should I replace the 4kq? (was: How to make faster)

Now I am faced with a decision; do I keep the 4kq and enjoy what it offers 
and improve the stereo OR do I sell the car and buy a 5kqt and modify it for 
great performance?  I thought about an UR-q, but I think it will cost too 
much to maintain compared to the 5kqt.
Steven Verona, Vice President
DB-Net, Inc.   614-436-6565 ext 15

Sorry to hear you're giving up on the 4KQ! Go with the ur-q - while prices are still low. I would suggest that the ur-q is about equal or less cost to maintain Vs a 5KTQ. Far fewer gizmos and gadgets to break, no ABS, no airbags (sorry bubba), etc. The most critical factor is CONDITION - how well has any given example (ur-q/5KTQ) been maintained is what's critical.
