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H&M toy catalog, in German...
In message <c=US%a=_%p=CHARTER%l=FREEDOM-960930185454Z-1266@freedom.charter.com> "Duff, Ian" writes:
> -Sportfahrwerk, like what's the difference between a listing "90 quattro
> Typ 89 Q" and one "90 quattro Typ 89 Q mit Sportfahrwerk"
Sports drive train. Wheels and brakes, most likely. Could include suspension.
> -headings "Baujahr", "Hinweis", "Tieferlegung ca. in mm"
Year of construction, hint or notice, approximate lowering in mm
> -the work au_er, where the character in the space looks like a hand
> written uppercase B
ausser - apart from or except
> -What is an 80/90 Limousine? Avant is the (US)staionwagon/(GB)estate,
> but Limousine? This where there are listings for 80/90 incl. Avant,
> 80/90 Coupe, and 80/90 Limousine.
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club