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Re: used S4's

In a message dated 96-09-30 09:51:49 EDT, you write:

<< >S4 Quattro, green/black, approx. 80,000 miles (!!!), v. good cond.
 ALL RIGHT!!  Finally an S4 that has been DRIVEN! ;)   I've seen 92's
 and 93's on lots with under 30,000 on the clock!  Geez, what do
 people do? ...buff it with a diaper and drive it only to church on
 Sundays!? EEeee gawd... 
Hey dummy, don't complain!!  Regular or low mileage, they still depreciate
like a rock, which helps those of us who only buy used. The guy in PA who
only put 16k on my S4 in 2 years had 8 other cars to drive! These included
some serious sheet metal, and this was bought as his "snow car" for the
abnormally bad winters those years.

BTW, this is the first car I OWN that cost more than 1k to buy! Lets see, if
I keep it for 32 years...........


Jonathan Fenton        JEFDO@aol.com
Montpelier, VT
'93 S4sIA3