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On 30th September, Paul Royal wrote:

>Hi Folks,
> I've got a 1990 90Q20V with an annoying trait.  Whenever I'm running the   
>climate control (heat or A/C, but particularly with the A/C) I experience   
>very slight, but very annoying drag that is intermittent.  Normally, one   
>may experience a slight drag when first turning on the A/C in a car, but   
>this goes on and on and on.  The symptom is that you can feel the car   
>laboring ever so slightly off and on for the duration of the drive.  This   
>can't be normal (can it?).
> Question:  anybody else got this problem?
>      if this isn't normal...suggested culprits or remedies
>     would be appreciated.

> Thanks in advance,

I had a 1990 coupe quattro 20V for nearly six years, A/C as distinct from full 
climate control, and I could always feel on the throttle when the A/C was on. 
It was intermittent, as you say, but quite frequent, and was as if there had 
been a momentary stop in the fuel supply.  Could be unnerving until one got 
used to it and made allowances.  I believe it was a bug which one just had to 
live with.

FWIW, I have now had an A4 quattro with proper climate control for ten months 
and 10,000 miles and I have never experienced the problem.  Our friends in 
Germany must have sorted the problem.

Norfolk, England