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For the last 10 years I've been praying that the general populace would forget about the
UI fiasco. Even in recent articles in auto industry publications regarding the A8, some
have started "this car will make people forget about Audi's checkered USA public
relations related to unintended acceleration......" or some such other back handed
Well, now we are having to remind ourselves and our fellow Q-listers what this disaster
was about. Not that we should forget, but I'd rather not read any more about it--here
or in auto industry publications.
For 5 years I had to explain to my unenlightened friends why I was driving a killer car,
and why a year after the 60 Minutes debauchery of truth (Ed Bradley, I'll never forgive
you for your sensationistic journalism) that I had the nerve to buy my '87 5KCS TQ.
AoA suffered a sales dive from 75k units/year to 12k units, from which they are just
starting, 10 years later, to recover; You and I are suffering from the lack of resale
value, (these cars should hold the value much better than they do), and thousands are
missing out on the opportunity to drive one of these well crafted, well built, safety
leading, reliable performance cars. The only ones to gain from this were CBS, breast
beating do-gooders, maybe some damaged parties (no fault directed toward those who were
innocently injured), and Betty Furness (may she rest in peace).
Well, off of my soap box. I love my Audis. Let's not beat them up anymore.