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Msg to: Bryan Gunn


      I can't believe you are even considering selling your impecable '85 Ur-Q!
Why?  I mean, money is tight with every one and cars can give us problems, but
you can get past that.  If you truly love the car keep it!  I know you've gotte
n the same message from several others, and I don't mean to rag on you or anyth
ing, but I just hope you think this thing through before you actually do decide
to sell it.  I just don't want to see you make a mistake.  I have never even se
en your car, but I've seen some pictures of it on the web and it looks beautifu
l!!!  Also, what would you be planning on replacing it with?

      Well, just put this into account.  I am a poor college student trying to
meticulously maintain a 9 yr old 5000CSTQ and upgrade it at the same time.  Bel
ieve me, it isn't easy and ALL my money (and some that I don't even have) goes
into this car, but everytime I park it in a parking lot, I look at it and can h
onestly say that I have the most beautiful car in that lot and I would rather h
ave it than anything else right now.  I also love driving it.  Anyways, when I
graduate and get a job, I hope to be able to buy a 200TQ 20V, but I will try at
all possible cost not to sell my 5kTQ!  See, I could probably only get $4-5K fo
r it, and it is worth much more than that to me, and I will probably have doubl
e that put into the car by then.  So, I'd rather just hang onto it!  Plus, some
day it may either become a designated track car or a restoration project.  I ca
n definately see these cars becoming collector's items (I dread the day!).
