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Re: (Fwd) Re: Brake Job

On Wed, 2 Oct 1996, Richard Davis wrote:

> >   Mike, 
> >   My pads my be gone, but I hope to go many more years without a 
> > resurfacing job, interesting as it may sound! 
> >    Mike  

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>   Mike, 
>   Reread my excerpt of your original post very carefully, then read my
> reply only carefully.  I still maintain that I would not, nor would too
> many others I can think of,  care to have that particular part even
> "slightly" resurfaced. (I could check with my girlfriend as she may have a
> vested interest)  
>    I do concur that "turning" is very unacceptable as well, I can't afford
> to have 'too much'  material removed.  I want kids someday! 
> If I'm not ringing any bells yet, please ask Bob D or Unka Bart for their
> feelings on the subject! 
> Mike

(With hands on top of head, and a look of terror in his eyes,)

NO NO NO, don't get Unka Bart or any of the Bobs involved in this.  That 
could be very dangerous indeed.

(No no no surely it wouldn't happen...?)
