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Sparky to the rescue

On Thu, 3 Oct 1996, Barton P. Chambers wrote:

> At 0-dark-15 this morning, he hops into his heretofore trusty Syncro, inserts 
> key and whiiiiiirrrrrr...chugachugachuga chug-a chug---a chug...
> The battery was strong, but somehow, no fire was getting to the cylinders, the 
> alternator was alternating, but the pistons weren't pis... errrr, that is, the 
> spark-plugs didn't seem to be sparking.

Unka Bart,

	My brother-in-law has a four-legged beast named Sparky who could 
quite possibly put a 'spark' in your Syncro.  Not sure it would really 
work, but if you exhaust all other options....

> A (non-list) fellow q-head in my neighborhood (who has promised to bring his 
> '90 V8 to the gathering on the 12th) suggested that it may be dry-rot in the 
> plug-wires.  I also think it could be a blown fuse, anyone got any other ideas?

Dry rot, wet rot, whatever, it sounds like you are not getting a good 
enough spark to ignite a wet mixture.  You might check for moisture in 
the gas.  This cold morning air is ripe for that.


Later, ---------------------------------------------------------- 
Graydon D. Stuckey 	'85 Mazda RX7 GS, no toys 
graydon@apollo.gmi.edu 	'86 Audi 5000 CS Turbo Quattro, has toys
Flint, Michigan USA	'89 Thunderbird SC, lotsa toys