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'86 5KS Performance Problem


Would appreciate your collective thoughts on this situation.  Last week
my 5KS developed a serious cold start problem (10 mins+ of cranking) and
erratic idling until warm.  Took it in to the shop and the mechanic
cleaned the injectors, reset the CO2, replaced the rotor and
distributor, performed a tune-up.  He said the engine runs fine and
indicated that the hard starting was a result of injector fouling. He
suggested running premium petrol.

Anyway, the car does start a lot easier, however there are a few nagging

1)	After starting, the car has minimal acceleration (you depress the
pedal and the car ocassionally stumbles, and accelerates very slowly).
Once warm, this problem disappear.

2)	Warm acceleration is not as good as it used to be.  I can be going up
a slight incline, and it'll take several minutes for me to pass 50MPH -
even with the pedal fully depressed.

I know this will be an easy one for you guys to give me insight on, so
thanks for allowing me to indulge.

When I take it back to the shop, what should I look for the mechanic to
fix?  Just want to keep them honest :)

TIA - I enjoy this list a lot, its been educational and entertaining!

Henderson Nuuhiwa

'85 BMW 735i (her car)
'86 5KS (my car)
'88 5KS (for sale)