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'86 5KS Climate Control Gremlins - Part 2

Thanks for the previous replies on this problem.  I've since checked the
A/C control unit (the module behind the glove compartment, with the
vacuum solenoids) and it appears to be working fine.  I also switched it
with the one from my '88 5KS, along with the Electronic Climate Control
unit in the center console - still no dice.

Anyway, the venting problems that I had have corrected themselves (the
Audi gods must have been appeased by making me remove, disassemble,
re-assemble and re-install the A/C module and ECC unit), now the air is
vented thru the proper vents based on the settings (econ, bi-level, a/c,

The lingering problem is that the blower still operates when the setting
is to OFF.  This happens even after switching the ECC and the A/C
Control unit with the one from my '88.  Also, when set to OFF, the
blower vents air through the bi-level setting (windshield and floor). 
This occurs with the car standing still, so it is not fresh air that is
venting due to movement of the car.

Any ideas or words of wisdom, sympathy, humor!......



P.S. - any ideas on troubleshooting the wiring for the power mirrors. 
The motors and switches work (verified by switching with those in my
'88), but does not work in the car.  Again TIA!!

'85 BMW 735i (her car)
'86 5KS (my car)
'88 5KS (for sale)
